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SEAL OF APPROVAL – (Bmore) ADAM GONZO BIRTHDAY JAWN – 4/17/10 – Talking Head

14 Apr

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Adam Gonzo is one of our favorite DJs here at Sleeping on his talents causes back pain. His Served parties with Mark Brown at Bmore’s Wind-Up Space are always a blast, and have hosted all of the top acts out of DC, as well as most recently hosting the most ridiculous and frighteningly entertaining act in the US, Juiceboxxx. Check his “Black Man in the White House” mix for a sample of his most soulful and flavorful flava as a DJ!

DJ Lemz is a rising Bmore talent whose production credits are about to grow exponentially. The electro club banger maker has toured Australia with Rye Rye, and was just interviewed by us. Check his live set from November’s Bolt party in Bmore!

Emily Rabbit is a friend to TGRIOnline and a friend to music everywhere. A most influential musicologist and swell rock DJ, check for her at one of the last Tensday parties at Bmore’s Ottobar upstairs with TGRI STAMPED DJ James Nasty and Green Owl Records’ own African tinged Philly club banger producing Zakee Kuduro TONIGHT, Wednesday night.

Stop the above video.

NYC’s Cousin Cole is one of my ten favorite DJs in the world. When not punching you in the twig and berries with club music, or melting your soul with expertly blended soothing folk sounds, he’s wait for it….wait for it… RELEASING THE KRAKEN!!!!

Yeah. This should be ridiculously dope.